Sunday 22 December 2013


Our new topic next term is...


The Tangfastics have the opportunity over Christmas to work on their own Space project in their homework books. This can be from a collage to a fact file of particular planets. Remember you can also visit your local library over the Christmas holidays to help with your space project

You can read all about space here, play a game here, play a quiz here

There is also lots more to do on these websites:

 I am really excited to see what you all choose to do for your project!

Just a quick remember...each child also has spellings that are their targets to practise. 
Last but not least... The Tangfastics are having an exciting reading competition in the first week back in January! This is on sumdog and children will be rewarded 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize. 

The Tangfastics hope you have a sparkling Christmas

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Outside at Christmas...

The Tangfastics have been working incredibly hard this past week writing their very own Christmas poetry!
We have been using similes to describe the snow and all around.
Some of our super similes were:
'Icicles hanging as sharp as daggers'
'Snow falling like a blanket over the roads'
'Snowflakes delicately falling like confetti'

Can you have a go at playing the simile game?

Thursday 28 November 2013

Can you feel the force?

In class we are learning all about forces like upthrust, gravity, push, pull, air resistance and friction.

Gravity is a force that acts towards the centre of the Earth.

This means that, wherever you are in the world, "down" is always towards the ground - even though your "down" isn't the same direction as anybody else's.

The gravitational pull of the Earth is what gives objects weight. Thus weight is a force - it's how hard the Earth is pulling on an object. The Earth pulls on every kilogramme with a force of ten Newtons. In other words, an object with a mass of 1kg has a weight of 10N. Gravity is a very weak force, you need a very large mass in order to get a noticeable gravitational pull. An odd thing about gravity - it always attracts objects and never repels them.

This week we were investigating air resistance and testing to see how it affects our spinners:

Here we are feeling the force air resistance with a parachute.

We ensured we carried out a fair invesigation.

Sunday 20 October 2013

Ryedale Folk Museum


What an exciting week we have had! It has been jam packed!

On Tuesday we were lucky enough to have out first school trip of the term! We all dressed up as Victorians (the teachers as well!) everybody looked absolutely fantastic.

After a fairly bumpy coach journey we arrived at Ryedale Folk Museum! We were all greeted and then split into groups to begin our activities. These included: a school lesson, rag rug making, chores and washing. All the activities were really hands on, meaning everybody got a to have a go at everything.


The school lesson was really interesting as got were able to experience life as a Victorian child. The teacher was really strict, the classrooms were dull, and we had to have our hands checked to see if they were clean enough!


Something I think everybody enjoyed was the rag rug making. These were made from potato sack cuttings and pieces of old material. We are able to learn about how much the Victorians liked to recycle and reuse everything. Our rag rugs looked really super. If anybody has any old tops, shirts, curtains or anything similar we would be grateful for donations so we can finish our rag rugs at school.

The chores and washing was hard work. We counted there were 8 layers of blankets on the bed! When we tried making the bed it was incredibly hard as they blankets were so heavy. It made us appreciate how lucky we are today to have heating in our houses to keep us warm. Can you imagine cleaning and drying all your washing by hand? We had a go at washing everything and then putting the clothes through the mangle to dry, and I must say I think all our arms were very tired. 



We had such a great day out and we all really enjoyed living as the Victorian's for the day...however I think we are all glad to be back in our own clothes now!

The Tangfastics :) 

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Our heart and pulse

In science we have been learning about the heart and lungs.

 We’ve completed a lot of fun activities over the past few weeks.

One lesson we tried different exercises then measured our pulse.

These included; lying down, walking, hopping, skipping and running as fast

as we could on the spot.

We found our pulse increased as the heart was working faster to

pump more oxygenated blood around the body.

We have also created fact files and looked at games on the computer.

For the past couple of weeks we have also been learning to play rugby!

We've had such fun, although it's very tiring.
We've tested our pulse before and after and found it had increased as our hearts
have been working hard.


Sunday 6 October 2013


Over the next couple of weeks we are going to be exploring writing a recount.

Here is a fun game to play on and test your knowledge about recounts! Just click the link below. 

Miss Palfreeman :)

Friday 4 October 2013

Harvest Festival Preparations

Today in art we made wreaths for the harvest festival to celebrate all the foods we have.
We are also preparing to sing some harvest songs in the Abbey on Friday 11th October.
We have been focusing in our collective worships about how important it is to be thankful for the food we have and how we can help those less fortunate than us.
Here are some pictures of us constructing our wreaths:

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Our KIRFs Autumn 1

We should all have been sent home a copy of the KIRFs that we are learning this term.
We are currently learning about our number bonds. We all understand that these are really important to help us when calculating.

We should all have a sheet that looks something like this:

For each child the KIRF that they are focusing on will be circled.
There is also a sheet attached with some good ideas of how we can practise these at home. It's really useful to relate the focus to real life, then can reach our target without even realising!
If you visit Conker Maths you can select which KIRF target you have and have a go at reaching your target.
Simply just click "Sort by season" and select Autum 1.

Website links for the Victorians

Here are some fun links we can use to learn more about the Victorians. Just click on the links and they will take you straight to the websites:

Fun Kids Live
Primary Facts
Channel 4
Brain Boxx (This website has lots of links on!)

Welcome to our blog!


Welcome to our class blog. We are the Tangfastics, and we are fantastic!

On here we look forward to sharing all our super work to show you what we have been working on in class.

We have all settled in really well into our new class, we've had an interesting and fun first few weeks.

Our first topic we are learning about is the Victorians. We've began learning all about when the Victorian era was and what life was like.

Currently we are reading Oliver Twist and attempting to write our own version of the story.
We have worked so hard on our story openers and used some super adjectives.

We are all keen learners and can't wait to post reguarly on here about what we have been learning about in class.

The Tangfastics