Friday 22 May 2015

The Witches' Spell

Today we began learning The Witches' spell by Macbeth. We are aiming to know it all by heart! It was hard for year 5 to learn it off by heart but we learned it. Then we did story maps in groups and performed it to the rest of the class. 

By Tommy-Lee

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Intruder alarms!

Today we were set the challenge of creating a circuit to spot any burglars (especially the Vikings!) entering and stealing any gold. We has to use ou rknowledge of how a circuit works, to select the right equipment and construct the circuit. 

Friday 8 May 2015

Our visit from Barnardo's

 This afternoon we were lucky enough to have a visit  from Barnardo's. This is part of our Young Leader's project. We learnt lots of facts about the founder  of Barnardo's called Thomas Barnardo. Barnardo's was  founded in 1866 and told us how they helped other  children in London where it first ever started. We were  told a story about a girl called Sophie who has been  helped by Barnardo's she was a young carer and had  no hot water she ate cold meals such as beans from a  tin. She had no friends and smelled bad before  Barnardo's helped her. We learnt about what an inspirational leader Thomas Barnardo was and what a difference he is still making today.
By Eriks and Joe

Thursday 7 May 2015

Our own manifestos!

This week in guided reading we have been learning all about the general election. This afternoon with Mrs Hough we created our own manifestos for the 2015 election. 

Here is how we got on...

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Making circuits!

In science today we learned how to make 
circuits. This group have successfully light up a bulb. We had to connect wires to a battery pack filled with batteries  to a bulb holder.

Joe and Lydia, Blog Leaders

We also investigated whether the number of batteries changes the brightness of a bulb.  We used data loggers to measure the amount of the light from the bulbs. Light is measured in lux.