Thursday 2 July 2015

Science day!

Today we had a science day learning all about animals, including humans. 

We began by looking at the average life span on animals and how usually larger animals live longer, but not in all cases. 

Here is a bar chart we created:
Some people used publish mash to create theirs.

We then went on to look at how we change as we grow and the different stages in a human life cycle. We had great fun creating timelines of our lives. 

For homework we had been set the challenge to bring baby pictures. At the end of the lesson we went round and tried to guess who was who from the photos. 

After lunch we then began our own investigation. We thought of our own questions to investigate using our measurements skills.

Here are a few examples: 

After looking at all the physical changes we then looked at emotional changes. In groups we acted our scenarios and discussed why we think the people had reacted the way they had.

 We discussed how when we are all going through these changes being a good friend is really important. We began designing our own posters using the computers. Look back next week when we have completed them! 

Viking locations

Today we used atlases to find Viking settlements for our topic the Vikings

These are just some of the photos that we took while doing this. We even found Selby, Hull and York.  By Ryan C