Friday 27 May 2016

Summit Trip!

The Whizz Kids were lucky enough to have a trip to Leisure Centre's new climbing wall. Karlson won the trip by naming the Yetti Yolo. All children were so well behaved and enjoyed the trip.

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Ancient Greek Tiles

Today, we began making our Ancient Greek clay tiles. We had to use our carving skills for our designs. See what you think of them so far.

Monday 23 May 2016

Salt and Vinegar!

We mixed together salt and vinegar and made predictions about what would happen if we placed a coin into the solution. As vinegar is acidic we thought it would fizz. We found a reaction happened and the coins appeared to change colour. 

York Mosque

Today Year 5 and 6 were lucky enough to have a visitor from York Mosque. We had lots of interesting questions to ask and learnt lots of new information.

Wednesday 11 May 2016

Descriptive Language by Cayden

Cayden worked so hard today he moved to the Gold Wall. His reward was to have a piece of work published on the blog. Well done Cayden :) 

Monday 9 May 2016

Are insects attracted to a certain colour?

Today we planned an investigation in Science.We wanted to find out whether insects were attracted to a particular colour. In groups we created our own coloured petals and decided on what variables we had to consider. We then went out to the Peace Garden to carry out our investigation.

Thursday 5 May 2016

Greek Democracy

As our topic this term is Ancient Greeks, we have been learning about what it was like to live then. This week we have been learning about Ancient Greek Democracy. We talked about Democracy in the UK and how important decisions are made. We then compared this with what it would be like in Ancient Greece. Did you know if you were a female you weren't allowed to vote? If you also weren't an Athenian you couldn't vote either. How unfair is that!
We had ago at sorting out who could vote and who couldn't.


In P.E. we have been learning about aerobics and how it is a great way to keep fit and healthy.

This week we began creating our own routines with a partner. Next week we will be teaching another group our own routines. 

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Yolo the Yeti

Butterfly release

Today we released our butterflies that we raised since they were tiny caterpillars. We released them in the peace garden we got to pick them up from the net and let them free. It was a once in a life time opportunity, though the butterflies felt like spiders when you held them.  The butterflies were pretty, they were painted lady's to be precise. We had fun and we will never forget it! 

Jack and Josie