Thursday 26 February 2015


We have been looking at coordinates, reflection and translation of shapes this week.

Below are some links where you can practise some of your skills!

Click on the reflection and translation folder!

Tuesday 24 February 2015


Today we have been making periscopes it was not easy. Some of use had them working but most of us ended up looking through it backwards and seeing everything blurred!
Did you know they used periscopes during WW1?
Can you think of any other uses for a periscope?
By Lydia and Joe

Tuesday 10 February 2015


Today in year 5 we have been thinking about SID (no it isn't a person!). SID is safer internet day.
Here we are creating a short drama. We were given different dilemmas that we had to solve.
We created a recipe for staying safe online. Can you think of any other key ingredients? 

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Our Spectacular Planetarium Visit!

Today in Year 5 we were lucky enough to have a planetarium come to our school.

It was amazing to see how it filled the hall and we all had to climb inside. Once inside we were amazed by how such a small space could be transformed. We were seated on the floor and on the walls of the planetarium pictures and films were projected.

We were able to learn even more about Space! William from year 5 impressed our visitor Kevin Read by explaining how it takes the moon 29 1/2 days to orbit the Earth.

After our exciting Planetarium experience we then created our very own rockets. We were able to modify these how we wanted! We then went to the playground and launched them.

Some quotes from the children included: 

"This morning inside the planetarium we learnt about different rockets and their journeys. Kevin showed us that there are about 2,000 billion stars in the galaxy (a lot!)" Josh, Year 5

"I really enjoyed the rocket making because we found out that if the rocket wasn't airtight it wouldn't launch far." Daniel, Year 5

Here are some photographs from our morning:
Eagerly awaiting the Planetarium!

Some of the images we saw inside the Planetarium

Our rocket making session!

Ready to launch!

What a fantastic day we had. We have learnt even more about Space which will support our learning in class this tern. 

To find out more about the Planetarium click here to visit the website.

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Phases of the moon

Today we began learning about the phases of the moon!
We have been set homework for the next two weeks to see if we can draw the moon and identify which phase it is.

Click here for a great website to help!

P.s. if you need any help with your homework visit this website:
Click here