Thursday 11 December 2014

Science in year 5


We were investigating condensation. We used hot water, a jug, ice and a plate.The plate on top of the jug had ice on it and there was hot water in the jug. The hot water evaporated rising up as steam hitting the bottom of the plate, melting the ice slowly making it rain inside the jug, this is condensation as the steam turn back to a liquid. The hot water caused the sides of the jug to steam up.we all had a fun time during this science lesson.

This is Miss Palfreeman 's group having loads of fun testing out this experiment and watching the water evaporate, then condensation happen as it hits a cold surface. 

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Imitate: Diary Entry

Our next text type we are learning about is a diary entry.
Here is an example one, written by a lady working in the factories during WW1, that we are learning to imitate for Literacy.

November 18th 1914

Dear Diary,
I’ve have worked such an exhausting day, this morning I started 5 am and didn’t finish until 8pm this evening. After a long day at the wearing munitions factory, I’ve come home and immediately had a bath to wash away the chemicals. The chemicals on my skin changed the water colour to blood red, which was frightening. Some of the sulphur got deep inside therefore my skin has actually become yellow, and this won’t wash off. My toenails are also bright yellow and don’t look like they will be changing any time soon, how delightful! There are worse things though. Some of the chemicals, like mercury, don’t have a colour so you can’t see them. They are the most dangerous. A few of the girls have got mercury poisoning at the moment. I hope I don’t fall victim to it, I can’t afford to not be working.

However, it is quite rewarding, working at the factory, knowing that we are helping all our men defend our country. We’ve been creating and packing explosives, only last week Marjorie from two streets over handled a defective one and there was a small explosion. We were all shaken up from it but had to return to the factory and start work again within an hour. It’s more risky that dusting Mrs Pott’s house I tell you! How that job seems a lifetime ago.

It was only last week that I had to take myself to the hospital due to grit from the grinding machine as it got into my eyes.  It was quite a simple painless process but by that time both my eyes were so inflamed I could hardly see and I had a weird journey home, running a few steps and then being forced to close my eyes for a bit till they'd recovered enough to run further. I expect the passers-by thought I was a sad case of intoxication or that I was running around crazy. All I keep telling myself is that as long as it is keeping food on our table and helping the men defend our country then it’s worth it. 

It seems only yesterday Frank was sent to fight, but I just wish he was back. Working in the factory and looking after the two boys is hard work. My heart yearns for us all to be reunited again, one day soon I keep telling myself. Frank said in his last letter that he isn’t so sure he will be back for Christmas, this war may be longer than what we expected.
Speak soon,

Emily x


In Year 5 we have been learning lots about fractions!

Here are some fantastic websites that have great games that you can have a go playing on.

Stained Glass Window

Last week we helped Mrs Mack create a beautiful stained glass window that will be placed in the brand new community room in our school.

Here's a picture of all our hard work:

Friday 14 November 2014

Imitate WW1 Explanation text

At Selby Abbey Primary School we are using a new method of learning in Literacy. 
It is called Talk for Writing. There is more information about it available on: click the link to read all about it.

As our new topic is WW1, we have been learning to re tell an Explanation Text about surviving WW1 as a soldier, by using actions. This is called imitation.

Here is part of a video of us, re telling the full explanation text by heart. (It was 7 minutes long, so too big to upload!)

Miss Palfreeman has been very impressed with how hard we have worked!

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Community in Year 5

Today our Church Ambassadors, Josh, Daniel and Joe, lead our collective worship all about community. 

We began by passing the peace around the circle, we then discussed what community means to us and what communities we belong to.

We listened to a story from the bible about Jesus feeding the five thousand. 

Passing the peace around

Here we listened to the story of Jesus feeding the five thousand. We then discussed what the story told us. Our responses included; not being selfish, thinking of others, not keeping everything to ourselves and being part of a community. 
We then had a prayer to close


This half term we are looking at our next Christian value of community.

We began looking at this by discussing what community meant to us. We came up with lots of key words and noticed that they were linked to our other Christian values. With this in mind, we discussed how they all work hand in hand together. 

Next we looked at what communities we belong to. Our list got rather long! They included:
Selby Abbey School, Year 5, Family, brownies, Cubs, friends, swimming club, karate club, gymnastics, netball and football club. 

We looked at how welcome we felt in all of these and how together we looked after one another. 

This week we have been focusing on remembrance day and respecting the fallen soldiers from different wars. We thought about how as a community we all come together to pay our respects and how they fought for our country. 

We recreated Van Gogh's "Field of Poppies" , read In Flanders Fields by John McCrae and looked at the significance of Poppies.

Here are some examples of our art work:


Last half term we looked at friendship as our Christian value. 

This included creating a potion of how to be a good friend, accepting friends make mistakes and learning how to forgive one another, welcoming new friends and many more elements of friendship. 

We heard biblical stories including Jesus and the paralysed man. We discussed what good friends this paralysed man had as they carried him to Jesus so that he could be cured.

We also looked at not being an honest friend and how if we tell lies we can get in to a bit of a mess!

Below is a picture of our class. We listened to a story and each time a lie was told we passed a ball of string around. What a mess we ended up in! We realised that telling lies may be easy but un doing them and telling the truth can be tricky. 

During collective worship we also looked at sharing between friends. We heard a story about a wonderful, bright coloured fish and how when it didn't share it had a sad, lonely life. However once the fish shared with the other fish it had a much happier life. We looked at applying to this our everyday lives, at school and at home. 


Yesterday during Science year 5 investigated what materials were soluble and which were insoluble. 

We looked at what we knew about dissolving and discussed how when solids dissolve they don't just disappear! Instead the mix together with a liquid to create a solution. 

We also learnt that if a solid is soluble it means it will dissolve, where as insoluble means it won't dissolve.

Here are some people pictures of us using our numeracy skills for measuring out water to see if solids would dissolve in it. 

We found out solids such as sand, pasta and rice don't dissolve in water. Therefore these are insoluble. Other materials we tested such as salt and bicarbonate soda did dissolve and therefore are soluble. 

What other solids do you think are soluble or insoluble? 

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Mayan ball games

Before half term we learnt all about a popular ball game that was playing by the Mayans. 

We had lots of fun and had to learn the new rules. 

Did you know they could only use their elbows, hips and knees to hit the ball across the court? They would also sometimes sacrifice players from the losing team! 
Do you think you could take on the challenge and play a game?

Friday 19 September 2014

Welcome to The High Fives!

Welcome to The High Fives,

We have had a very exciting few weeks settling in to Year 5!

This week we have been taking on the role of Scientists by carrying out a fair investigation. 

We looked at what materials were the best insulators and used our mathematic skills to draw line graphs of our results.


Thursday 12 June 2014

Our trip to Selby High School

Yesterday, we were lucky enough to be invited to Selby High School. We spent the day experiencing what it is like in High School and were given the opportunity to take part in Science, Drama and Dance lessons.

Take a look at our pictures and see what you think. Can you guess what we made in Science?
Harry loved the experiments!

We were making something that you can put in water and smells nice...
can you guess what it was?

We used our maths skills when measuring

We loved our elements dance class!

Thursday 17 April 2014

Allez Yorkshire!

 Our new topic next term is...

Allez Yorkshire!
(Go Yorkshire!)

The Tangfastics have the opportunity over Easter to work on their own project in their homework books. This can range from; writing a fact file about Tour de France, creating a poster with any information or a piece of art work.

You can read all about Tour De France and learn a bit more France on the links below:

 I am really excited to see what you all choose to do for your project!

Just a quick reminder: Over Easter there is an exciting class reading challenge on Sumdog! You can play fun games against your classmates, answering a set number of questions, to earn prizes. For 1st, 2nd and 3rd place there will be a special class prize awarded during the first week back after Easter. It’s also really important they everybody keeps reading at home as much as they can.

Miss Palfreeman :)

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Jesus Light of the world

Yesterday Year 5 began thinking about how they could represent "Jesus light of the world" using this picture to inspire them.

Everybody worked so hard, sketching their ideas.
Here are some pictures of Year 5, creatively thinking about how to use glass jars.


 Here are our finished jars: